Defender Lance

Defender Lance

Experience the performance you never thought possible with the Defender Lance automated direction-finding system. Leveraging the power of Transformational Security’s new phase-coherent, n-channel Atom Defender n-IQ receiver, Defender Lance can determine lines of bearing with lightning speed and accuracy.

Embedded Omnidirectional Antenna

Spectrum monitoring, surveillance, and signals analysis up to 43 GHz with the embedded modified biconical antenna and Atom Defender n-IQ.

From Line of Bearing to Position Location

Multiple DFS installations can work together and with existing IPMS infrastructure to interpret the intersection of LOBs to generate 95% confidence interval position estimation areas.

Typical Accuracy Better than ±2 Degrees

LOB accuracy is frequency dependent. Increased averaging can increase accuracy. Mean error across all frequencies in simulations is nearly zero.

Design Specifications

Frequency coverage20 MHz – 18 GHz
Accuracy (theoretical)4-channel coherent - < 5 deg accuracy (RMS error)
8-channel coherent - < 2 deg accuracy (RMS error)
Receiver sweep speed> 3 THz/s (at 200 kHz RBW)
Receiver noise figure9.5 dB weighted average
Timebase accuracy±5 × 10−10 seconds
Array dimensions and weight24 × 37 in, 60 lb
Environmental0 to +50 °C, IP65
NOTICE: Some of these items may be controlled for export by the U.S. Government and shall not be exported without completion and approval of all required export licensing. They may not be resold, transferred, or otherwise disposed of, to any other country or to any person other than the authorized ultimate consignee or end-user(s), either in their original form or after being incorporated into other items, without first obtaining approval from the U.S. Government or as otherwise authorized by U.S. law and regulations.

Designed and built in USA

Defender Lance is proudly designed and built in Maryland, USA

Worry free warranty

All Transformational Security Products ship with a one year warranty, with affordable additional years available.

Customer support when it matters

Friendly customer support from technical security experts around the clock